Cocaine Effects

Cocaine effects take place almost immediately after the user has ingested the drug. This drug produces intense, but short-lived, euphoria in users and makes them feel more energetic. Research indicates that a psychological dependency may develop after just a single dose of high potency cocaine. As the person develops a tolerance to cocaine, higher and higher doses are needed to produce the same level of euphoria.

Like caffeine, cocaine improves wakefulness and reduces hunger. Psychological effects include feelings of well-being and a grandiose sense of power and ability mixed with anxiety and restlessness. As the drug wears off, these temporary sensations of mastery are replaced by an intense depression, and the drug abuser will then "crash." A cocaine crash involves becoming lethargic and typically results in sleeping for several days.

After it is introduced into the body, cocaine passes readily into the brain through the bloodstream. In the brain, it causes a buildup of dopamine by blocking the normal recycling process. These high levels of dopamine continuously stimulate nerve cells, creating the euphoria the user experiences. Cocaine effects are felt within seconds. During this time the cocaine user may appear very alert, confident, energetic, and stimulated. Physical cocaine effects include dilated pupils, a runny nose, and little or no appetite. The “high” they feel typically lasts for up to thirty minutes when cocaine is snorted or injected. However, when it is smoked it may last only five to ten minutes causing the user to use more cocaine, more often, to try and maintain that euphoric feeling. The high from cocaine is accompanied by profound depression, an intense desire for more cocaine, mental fatigue, restlessness, and irritability.

Cocaine is highly addictive. With just one use a person can develop an overwhelming urge to use cocaine again and again. Cocaine users report that they are never able to achieve the "high" they felt the first time they used the drug. This is because a tolerance to the cocaine effects develops and lessens their euphoric feelings. After time, their “high” is not as intense and does not last as long.


Your Brain On Cocaine
(AP) Chronic cocaine use harms brain circuits that help produce the sense of pleasure, which may help explain why cocaine addicts have a higher rate of depression, a study suggests. It's not clear whether cocaine kills brain cells or merely impairs them, or whether the effect is reversible, said study author Dr. Karley Little. But it's bad news for cocaine addicts in any case, he said.
Former cocaine kingpin now serves dogs, not drugs
MARKHAM, Ill. — Two decades after customers clamored to buy cocaine from a teenager named John Cappas, they're lined up again to buy what he has to sell: Hot dogs. The one-time "drug kingpin," as the newspapers called him in the late 1980s, this summer became an owner of a hot dog stand called Johnny's WeeNee Wagon.
Drug mule swallowed 106 cocaine packages
A man who swallowed 106 packages of cocaine to smuggle them into the UK was today starting a 10-year jail sentence. Alexsejs Malinovs, 23, from Eastern Avenue South, Northampton, was stopped by UK Border Agency officers at Heathrow Airport in May 2009 when he arrived on a flight from Peru via Amsterdam. Investigations found the Latvian national had swallowed about 700 grams of cocaine in 106 packages, Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) said today.
Tainted cocaine
Okay, let's just get it right out there up front - no one thinks doing crack or cocaine is good for you. Nope, no one. Not me, not even the people who use it. However, if a huge percentage of the cocaine/crack sold in this country is being adulterated with a potentially lethal addition, shouldn't people (including the doctors wondering what the heck is going on) be warned?