Cocaine Addiction Treatment
Cocaine addiction treatment is the most effective way of recovering from cocaine addiction. Cocaine is the second most commonly used illicit drug (following marijuana) in the United States. According to the 2003 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, more than 34 million Americans (14.7%) age 12 or older had used cocaine at least once in their lifetime. Up to 75% of people who try cocaine will become addicted to it. Only one out of four people who try to quit will be able to without help.
While in treatment, the recovering addict will do more than just stop using drugs. They will learn the tools necessary to avoid using cocaine in the future once they leave treatment. Another area that is addressed in rehab is how to live day to day life without feeling the need to use drugs to solve life’s problems. Cocaine addiction treatment helps to restore the individual to their pre-cocaine using days and guides them to become a productive and functioning part of their family, workplace, and community.
While in addiction treatment the recovering person learns many valuable lessons about drug addiction, recovery, and relapse. This is also a time where they can address misguided beliefs about their self, others, and their environment. Cocaine addiction treatment helps the individual make lifestyle changes, manage their feelings, develop coping tools, and learn cocaine refusal skills. They also learn to identify relapse warning signs and thoughts that may lead them to relapse in the future.
Cocaine addiction treatment is known to substantially improve an individual’s prospects for future employment. Gains of up to forty percent have been show after a cocaine addict attends treatment. In the end, an individual’s success in treatment greatly depends on three key elements. The first is the extent and nature of the individual’s cocaine addiction problem. The second is the proper fit of the drug rehab treatment facility with the individual’s addiction recovery needs. The third element is the individual’s involvement in their chosen treatment program.
The goal of all cocaine addiction treatment programs is to educate the drug user to the facts about chemical dependency and the changes needed to live a drug free lifestyle. A variety of therapy can be included in a given drug rehab setting depending on the clinical intensity of the center. Most centers provide counseling, behavioral therapy, lectures, group therapy, discussion groups, and other types of services.